Aalborg, Denmark - MapsPeople announces its strategic partnership with Danish AeroGuest to transform the hotel guest experience. By combining AeroGuest’s hospitality application with MapsPeople’s indoor navigation platform, MapsIndoors, hotel guests can choose their preferred room from their mobile device without having to stand in line at reception.
AeroGuest is a mobile hospitality platform that allows hotel guests to manage their stay in one location, creating a seamless digital guest experience from check in to check out. The AeroGuest app even allows hotel visitors to go straight to their room and unlock the door with their mobile.
“Check in is not a service. It’s a hassle. We believe that technology is the key driver for innovation in travel – facilitated 100% by the mobile phone,” says AeroGuest Partner, Nikolai Kronborg. “AeroGuest lets you reconnect with your guests. Self check-in allows you to free up important resources that can be spent on improving customer service and guest experience.”
One of the important features in the AeroGuest application is “Choose rooms”. As the name indicates, Choose rooms lets guests find and choose a room that matches their booking and needs.
In the beginning, Choose rooms only provided guests with images and information about the hotel rooms. However, after implementing the feature, AeroGuest discovered that hotel visitors expected to see a map, when clicking on the Choose rooms button.
With the strategic partnership, AeroGuest can now meet this expectation. “Thanks to the integration of MapsIndoors, guests can now easily get an overview of the hotel and its facilities and choose their preferred room on the indoor map,” says Kronborg. Not only does this improve the digital guest experience even further, more guests are now also using the Choose rooms feature. This also benefits hotels directly, as hotel guests are willing to pay up to 10% of their room’s price to choose their own room, generating new revenue stream for the hotels.
“We’re really pleased to be partnering with AeroGuest. They have a great product that defines the future of hospitality. MapsIndoors is more than just a map and I see a great potential in this partnership, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what the future will bring,” says Christian Frederiksen, Head of Strategic Partners at MapsPeople.

About AeroGuest: AeroGuest is the mobile travel platform of the world. With their thoroughly developed conversion engine, they’re capable of targeting 100% of hotel check-ins. The first 20% through automated digitalization via text and e-mail – an AI optimized system superior to the competition. Their SNAP check-in provides hotels with the tools to manually digitalize guests when they arrive while saving on personnel. This means that receptionists can now handle a standard check-in within 20 seconds. The AeroGuest platform enables hotels to benefit from new revenue streams, e.g. with features such as Choose Room and Upgrade Room.
For more information, visit https://flow.aeroguest.com
About MapsPeople: MapsPeople is the world-leading provider of digital indoor navigation. The company specializes in developing and implementing the indoor navigation platform ‘MapsIndoors’ that allows people to effortlessly navigate large and complex buildings. Additionally, the platform also allows venues to easily manage their spaces and visualize room occupancy, asset tracking, and more. MapsPeople has a presence in 40 different countries and works with industry leaders in a number of verticals.
For more information, visit https://www.mapspeople.com/
March 6, 2020