So, you decided that indoor navigation was the next step to improve your business, but now what? The next step is to get familiar with the three different packages that we offer to determine which is best for your business.
Our packages
Out of the box
This package means you get the MapsIndoors app as it is - we set up the look and feel of the app but do not do any further development. The plan includes the mapping of your venue, SDK’s making it usable on Android, iOS, and the web and the MapsIndoors source code.
We will set up the MapsIndoors app for you and update the app as new features become available, as well as update the SDK. This solution supports the integration with approved positioning providers and maintenance support.
“Out of the Box” is the best package for you if your priority is an accurate and user-friendly indoor map. Your company can use the MapsIndoors app as it is without any additions, this means the delivery is fast and easy.
An example of a solution created with our “Out of the Box” package is City University of London. You can download their CityNav app yourself and try it out or have a look directly on their website.

Do it yourself
Already have an app? No problem. We can integrate MapsIndoors into your existing environment and apps, and don’t worry, we’ll provide some initial startup support too.
This plan includes the mapping of your venue, SDK’s so that you can integrate MapsIndoors into mobile apps and web solutions, continuous updates, and the MapsIndoors source code. We will also provide support for integration with approved positioning providers and maintenance support.
“Do It Yourself” is our most popular package and no wonder. It’s great for companies who want to integrate MapsIndoors into their existing apps and do the work themselves. We’ll set you up and provide initial startup support and you’ll do the rest.
Copenhagen Airport is an example of what you get from the “Do It Yourself” package. The map integrates seamlessly into the airport’s existing app, and supports functions like indoor wayfinding and online booking for parking. You can download their app to test it yourself or take a look below.

If you need specific features and customized development, then this package is for you. No one knows what your needs are better than you, so tell us about them and we’ll help you develop a customized solution for your company.
Our developers are constantly adding new features to MapsIndoors, however, we know that there is still room for improvement, which is why we value your input and actively seek it.
Your company needs may be something we would never have thought of ourselves, and that is what makes “Enterprise” so special. It gives you everything that MapsIndoors has to offer, plus, the promise to work to fulfil what is missing. With “Enterprise” you can more or less do whatever you want, just tell us about your ideas and we’ll give you a quote to develop features unique to your solution.
Of course, this plan also includes the usual mapping of your venue, SDK’s to integrate on Android, iOS, and the web, integration with optional positioning provider, as well as frontend development, and support from our team.
One of the features we have developed especially for one of our customers is API printing. This allows them to print the map on a large scale, something that was specific to their needs. Another example is people tracking, which we’ve developed for a large corporate office with a shared desk environment.
Entreprise takes customization to the next level, allowing for indoor maps to support complex applications. If MapsIndoors in its current form does not have what you need, we’ll develop it.
No two companies are alike which is why we offer a variety of packages, so you can get a solution that matches your needs. If you would like to discuss these packages further or get started with your MapsIndoors solution, contact us and we will be sure to give you a call.
August 13, 2019