Google Maps has recently upgraded its zoom level customization features as well as made it easier for customers to get started with map styling and customization.
Google Maps end-users are used to the smooth zoom features that show different point of interests (POIs) depending on the zoom level. With the large number of monthly Google Maps users, optimizations to the content to determine when to show POIs are based on generalized solutions to the wide range of tasks that users carry out. On the other hand, Google Maps Platform customers often work on more focused tasks where it brings more value to show specific POIs on each zoom level.
Because of this, Google Maps has now made zoom level customization a standard capability in its cloud-based map styling editor. This allows customers to optimize their map on a deeper level to tailor it to fit their specific use case. This is a great opportunity for Google Maps customers to enhance their users’ experience as different use cases might require different POIs on each zoom level.
For a driver, there’s a need for focus on streets and street names to ensure that they don’t miss a turn. However, for a traveler, there might be more need for information of where to find entertainment or restaurants close to their hotel. With the new zoom level optimizations, customers are able to adjust the zoom levels to fit the needs of their end-users, be it changing at which zoom level street signs begin to appear or when other types of POIs such as restaurants or theaters start to show. Ultimately, this has great potential for better map experiences, as Google Maps customers themselves can decide which POIs are valuable to their end-users.
Zoom level customization is not the only update to the map style editing features. Google Maps has also introduced industry optimized map styles, which are default pre-built map styles developed for specific industries to spare your efforts to customize it yourself. It is still possible to customize and style a map as you please, but for those who are new to map customization, industry optimized map styles are a great way to get started.
As of now, Google Maps has introduced industry optimized map styles for retail, logistics, travel, and real estate industries, but reveals that more are in the planning. Both zoom level customization and industry optimized map styles are available via cloud-based map styling in the Google Cloud Console and are included in Google Maps Platform pricing.
If you are interested in learning more about Google Maps Platform and its potential, our Google Maps experts are always ready to help you out. Likewise, you can find inspiration for how Google Maps can enhance your business in our blog.