Increase your product value with indoor mapping

As buildings evolve to be smarter, safer, and more sustainable, the demand for indoor mapping has surged. However, adding indoor mapping capabilities to your offering does not only benefit the end-users of your solution. It also allows you to increase your product value.

Benefits for your business

A dynamic indoor mapping platform brings floor plans and resources to life.

It empowers you to increase your product value without investing internal energies and resources in developing and maintaining a different piece of technology and it brings value to your clients by enabling them to ‘do more in less space’ or ‘increase revenue per square foot’.

Do more in less space

Indoor maps let your clients do more in less space by giving them the insight they need to optimize their space utilization or downsize to save real estate costs. 

They provide users with a clear overview of a facility and make it easy for them to find points of interest, including assets and shared resources such as desks, rooms, and parking spaces which can be booked directly through the map. 

MapsPeople partner and provider of a smart workplace platform, iotspot, uses the dynamic indoor mapping platform, MapsIndoors, to assist their clients in optimizing space utilization.

By integrating their smart workspace platform with MapsIndoors, iotspot offers clients indoor navigation and the convenience of room and desk booking at their fingertips.

Through the iotspot app, office workers can gain an overview of available and reserved desks on an office map, and since MapsIndoors supports read-write integrations with booking systems, they can effortlessly reserve a desk or room via the map.

Increase revenue per square foot

MapsIndoors can also assist your clients in boosting revenue per square foot by equipping them with tools to increase sales and create new revenue streams.

The platform empowers visitors with a clear overview of the venue they are visiting, along with advanced wayfinding, making it easy for them to find the product, store, or restaurant they are looking for.

MapsPeople’s partner and creator of a mobile hospitality platform, AeroGuest, uses MapsIndoors to create a seamless digital guest experience. One of the important features of the AeroGuest application is the “Choose rooms” feature, allowing hotels to generate a new revenue stream. 

True to its name, ‘Choose Rooms” empowers guests to discover and select a room that aligns with their booking and preferences. This results in an enhanced guest experience but also drives increased revenue, as guests are willing to pay an additional 7-10% of the room price for the option to select their preferred room.