MapsPeople A/S Partners bGrid BV


At MapsPeople we’re happy to announce our partnership with Amsterdam-based bGrid. bGrid is a technology and innovation company that develops, markets, and sells smart building products and services that use state-of-the-art communications technology, with focus on controls, remote monitoring, and Internet of Things solutions.

bGrid’s Smart Building Solution, a network of nodes that senses everything that happens in a building and enables accurate positioning of people and assets, is a powerful match to MapsIndoors. Together, they offer a complete overview of buildings, accurate turn-by-turn navigation from the outdoor world to any destination inside a building, and a host of opportunities to improve airports, offices, hospitals, universities, and more.

“We try to turn your building into a personal assistant and can only do this together with strong partners as MapsPeople. Their easy to use indoor to outdoor navigation interface, is a perfect addition to this ‘assistant’ and we are thrilled to start working with them”, according to Stefanie Doljé, Solution Architect, bGrid.

The partnership between bGrid and MapsPeople allows both companies to offer their clients a more complete solution tailored to their needs.

One of the strengths of both the bGrid Smart Building Solution and MapsIndoors is the openness. The bGrid Smart Building Solution is built with open APIs enabling third party smart building hardware and software developers to easily connect and develop new and innovative smart building applications. Likewise, MapsIndoors is an open platform that allows easy integration with almost any third party data system making it easy for clients to built a solution that meets their requirements.

“What we’re looking for in our partners, is innovative technologies that, combined with MapsIndoors, can deliver unique and value added experiences from both end-users’ and businesses’ point of view. When you combine the bGrid’s Smart Building Solution and MapsIndoors almost anything is possible. This makes it a high potential partnership that I’m very happy about”, says Frédéric Niang-Torreilles, Regional Sales Manager, MapsPeople.

About bGrid: bGrid develops mobile devices and sensor units, data management systems, data processing algorithms, and connects to data interfaces that supports their products and services. bGrid works in cooperation with international technology partners and integrators, and executes projects for commercial real estate, education, airports, hospitals, laboratories and other buildings.

About MapsPeople: MapsPeople specializes in developing, implementing, and running digital map solutions, MapsIndoors, for a large number of private and public companies in a number of industries, including: City University of London, Gartner, Kohl’s, Copenhagen Airport, and Mobile World Congress.

For further information, please contact:

bGrid,, +31 20 8881 214

Frédéric Niang-Torreilles, Regional Sales Manager France and Benelux, MapsPeople,, +45 53 37 70 31