Happy Birthday Google Street View!


Google Street View celebrates its 10th birthday and MapsPeople says CONGRATULATIONS!

In this article we would like to take you on a journey through the unique and impressive development of Google Street View.


It all started with the rough but ingenious idea of Larry Page. He wanted to map the world in 360-degrees. Soon after, in May 2007, the first panoramic imageries of five US cities were published. Nowadays, Google Street View is one of the major Google Maps tools, featuring every continent and 83 countries.


In line with Google Maps' overall goal to navigate people and give them a chance to discover unknown locations, Street View offers street-level, panoramic images of cities and rural areas worldwide. It enables everyone to explore places, which they might never be able to go to in person. Today, users can dive along the Great Barrier Reef, climb up the Mount Everest, visit the Taj Mahal, marvel at the Northern Lights and as of late even spot inside a Vanuatu volcano.



Timeline Google Street View
Timeline Google Street View/Google Blog


Google Street View seems unstoppable. The team is constantly developing new custom vehicles to further refine the best possible map of the world.  In addition to Street View vans, tricycles, snowmobiles and even camels were equipped with Street View cameras, enabling the exploration of every corner of the globe. And since the introduction of the Street View Trekker anyone can contribute to Google Maps, capturing 360-degree imagery as it goes.


Some of the most breathtaking imagery can be seen here.


About Google Street View:

Since 2007 Google Street View is a feature in Google Maps and Google Earth. By providing 360-degree, panoramic views, everyone can discover unknown places around the world. The blue lines on Google Maps show where Google has collected Street View. Users can drag and drop the orange 'pegman' icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen to get to the area they want to explore.


Google Street View is exemplary for all Google mapping solutions of today.
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