New Belgian MapsIndoors Partner


Our MapsIndoors global partner network keeps expanding and we are happy to announce that we have teamed up with yet another strategic partner. Belgian based Localyse is the latest addition to the MapsIndoors partner network, who will focus on bringing indoor wayfinding to the European markets.


Localyse is, like MapsPeople a Google Maps for Work Premium Partner who specialises in mapping solutions for businesses in a range of sectors.


Jeffrey Benning, Location Consultant Localyse in the Netherlands explains:
“A specific solution offers a direct answer to an acute requirement. Customers implement faster and get a fixed price solution. So they do not worry about development times or costs. In the end this helps our customers to further fine-tune their digital experience with their customers.”


The mapping solutions that Localyse helps to develop and implement are based on diverse domains such as: Pay How You Drive, Smart City, Connected Infrastructure, GeoMarketing, Track & Trace, Planning & Scheduling, Infrastructure Management and last but not least MapsPeople’s solution for Indoor Wayfinding.  


“We are very happy to welcome Localyse to our partner network and with their expertise in their core markets and understanding of the value of maps in business, we are confident that the partnership will be strong and benefit not only MapsPeople and Localyse but also our future joint customers. We are already working on a number of very interesting cases together and we look forward to presenting these in the near future”, says Christian Frederiksen, Head of Partner Management at MapsPeople.


About Localyse:

The company was established in 2011 and specialized since 2013 successfully on Google Maps technology for the Benelux region. During this period Localyse has had the privilege to work with great clients such as ANWB, BPost, Compare Group, DHL, Enexis, Engie, Ethias, Europ Assistance, ING, Rabobank, Suivo Telematics, Telenet, Traffic Service Nederland and many more.


Jeffrey Benning, Location Consultant Localyse in the Netherlands explains: “Our customers choose Google Maps as mapping platform with a broad range of API’s. Customers appreciate the flexibility which they get with Google Maps. We provide our customers next to our mapping knowledge and experience as well specific solutions, such as Maps People for Indoor Wayfinding. What the benefits are for our customers? A specific solution offers a direct answer to an acute requirement. Customers implement faster and get a fixed price solution. So they do not worry about development times or costs. In the end this helps our customers to further fine-tune their digital experience with their customers.”


Do you want to explore the possibilities of becoming a MapsPeople strategic partner? You can read more about our Partner Program on our website and if you should have any questions or cases you wish to discuss, please just get in touch.