Standard Web App v.3.11.0 released with speed and search improvements

MapsIndoors Standard Web App 3.11.0

Our Standard Web App v3.11.0 has been released with significant improvements. It’s now much speedier, and sports a brand new search algorithm.

The improved search feature in the Standard Web App is now aligned with Android and iOS, so you'll see the exact same results when performing searches in any one of our Standard Apps, just as you already see in our SDKs.

The biggest change, however, is the vastly improved speed of the app. Loading more data upfront reduces network traffic significantly and, as a result, the app is noticeably faster. This improves the user experience and opens up new possibilities for future improvements in how we handle and update the map data.

We're continually improving our platform by shipping small, incremental enhancements. This feature in particular is a big step up in performance and improves the web application as a whole.