Geoweb Summit London 2017


Head of Partner Management, Christian Frederiksen, will be on the panel at the Geoweb Summit London on the 5th of January 2017.

The panel focus is Mapping APIs and Christian will be focussing on MapsIndoors, our Indoor Wayfinding Platform, and on the seamless transition from outdoor to indoor navigation based on Google Maps. He will also present some of the latest MapsIndoors use cases and future implementations and possibilities with indoor navigation.


What is the Geoweb Summit?

 The Geoweb Summit first saw the light of day in 2011 and since then 14 summits have been held in London, Toronto and New York. The man behind the Geoweb Summit is Peter Verkooijen, who initially set up a forum to connect location based services startups.

“The project started in 2010 in New York, where I lived and worked as a journalist for Dutch trade publications. I had organized a monthly meetup for web and mobile startups since 2006.When the iPhone came out, there was a wave of location-based services startups. The goal from the start has been to connect those LBS startups with the broader geographic information systems (GIS) industry and upcoming sensor networks, then Auto-ID, later IoT", says Peter.

The pitch of the Geoweb Forum project is that GIS, LBS and IoT are aspects of one emerging industry; the geoweb industry, the web extended to physical location. The goal of the Geoweb Summits is to bring different parts of that industry together, identify new opportunities and help form new partnerships and companies.

The summits are peer events for founders, executives and developers. The events have a business development focus, not a sales focus.

You can see the full programme for the Geoweb Summit in London on the 5th of January 2017 here.

If you want to book a meeting with Christian during the Summit, please get in touch.