Welcome to the MapsPeople Blog


We at MapsPeople would like to welcome you to our brand new blog. We have long felt the need for a platform on which we can share news from Google, trends from the world of Indoor Navigation, tips and tricks, in depth customer success stories and new product releases and features. The MapsPeople Blog will allow us to share all these great stories with customers and partners and more importantly, give you the opportunity to join in the conversation by commenting and sharing posts relevant to your everyday life.


We will regularly post compelling content and videos which touch on all the great aspects of Google Maps and Indoor Navigation. The blog will allow us to leverage all the most interesting news and trends from the Geo world and we aim to make it the place you come to get the latest news and interesting tips.


Indoor Navigation and wayfinding is without a doubt the next frontier in the world of mapping and we are excited to be able to take you on a journey through some of the most interesting examples of how this can benefit business and end users and to provide you with all the latest from the Indoor mapping industry.


Last but certainly not least, we will also use the MapsPeople Blog to inform current and future customers about new features and releases of our flagship solution, MapsIndoors as well as presenting new partnerships with innovative companies from around the globe. The different blog post themes help you zoom in on the content most relevant to you. And we of course encourage you to get in touch, post comments and share articles.


So buckle up and get ready for a journey through all the latest news and trends from the exciting world of mapping. We look forward to growing the MapsPeople blog together with you.