Not every culinary experience has to happen within the confines of a restaurant. The nature around us offers its own, free alternatives for anyone who wants to look for food elsewhere than the grocery store, and here’s a few suggestions to how Google Maps can help you find them:
Falling Fruit
Love fresh fruit? Ever considered that you don’t have to visit the closest store to get it? The initiative Falling Fruit allows you to search for and look up locations of food-bearing trees and plants, making it easy for you to plan a trip for your next cravings - who knows, maybe it’s closer than you think! And besides the free and tasty treats, Falling Fruit invites you to explore your local area with a new perspective. Falling Fruit was initially created in order to reduce food waste by helping people find and harvest fruit and other edible foods that would otherwise go to waste. The interactive map of Falling Fruit is built using Google Maps Platform and allows bridge-building between its users and the urban life of your city and its culinary bounty. The foraging locations found on the map are contributions by users and offer thousands of options for your next harvesting!
Check out the map on 
Use Google Maps to Scout for Your Hunt
Enjoy hunting for your own food? You can use Google Maps to increase the efficiency of your hunting experience by mapping out and analyzing the area of interest. How does the land look? Where are the feeding and bedding areas, and where would be the most attractive place to hunt? These are questions that Google Maps can answer for you in order to strategically plan your hunt and maximize the yield of it.
Order Online with Google Maps
Of course, sometimes you simply need the easiest solution that requires the least amount of effort. Whether the weather is to blame, or whether you just aren’t in the mood to go out, you can easily order food from your favorite restaurant with Google Maps and have it delivered straight to your door.