MapsIndoors CMS Tutorial - Bulk editing

In this fifth part of the MapsIndoors CMS Tutorial, we show you how to perform bulk edits in the new CMS. 
After using the filter bar to narrow down search results, you can click on one or more locations in the List View to perform a bulk edit. You can also select the check box at the top to select all filtered results. 

Clicking Edits allows you to bulk update Location Attributes, such as Location Type, Searchability, Categories, Aliases, and more. 

See how this works in our Bulk Editing video tutorial here.

For more in depth CMS information, please visit our documentation site.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series: Managing Location Types.

The MapsIndoors CMS Tutorial series: 

Part 1: Concepts
Part 2: Navigation Overview
Part 3: Working with the Tool Bar
Part 4: Working with the Filter Bar 
Part 5: Bulk Editing
Part 6: Managing Location Types (Coming soon)
Part 7: Creating Categories (Coming soon)